Study resources - The golden path to learning Chinese!

Watch this video:

Step 1: Watch Videos

Our main learning resource is videos. We recommend you watch one or two lessons per cycle.

In order to practice, we’ll recommend dialogs that match your vocabulary as you learn more words.

Step 2: Dialogs

Step 3: Flashcards

With every new video you complete, your flashcard deck grows. Review them when they appear and trust our algorithm to do the rest.

Go through the same lesson in the Course Book, where you can practice what you’ve learned through practical exercises.

Here’s Coursebook Level 1. You can find the other course books next to their respective levels on Course Overview.

Step 4: Course Book

Step 5: Domino Classroom

Domino Classroom replaces University. You’ll have a teacher, classmates, graded assignments and exams. Try it out and you’ll be amazed at the results! Click here

That’s the end of study cycle.

Now repeat the circle. If you follow our recommendation we guarantee you you will learn Chinese. 

If you’re still not satisfied, don’t go looking for more content elsewhere, we’ve got you covered. 

  • Vocabulary PDFs: Download Lesson/Level/Course Vocabulary lists on their respective pages. Go to course overview.

  • Worksheets – Practice Writing: All the characters you’ll learn in drawing sheets to help you practice writing Chinese characters. Located in respective levels. Go to course overview.

  • Building Block List – Here’s Domino’s own list of building blocks. Download and learn them to make the next lesson even easier. Download now. 

  • Measure Words – Here are all the measure words you will need, by level. Download now. 

  • List of Radicals – This is the official List of all the radicals in Chinese. We suggest following our building block list however. Download now. 

  • Story Time (Book) – Here is the first story time book. It covers level 1-20 and uses the words you’ve learned in each lesson. Download now. 

  • Story Time (mp3) – Download all the story times on mp3 so you can listen to the beautiful stories on your next commute! Download now. 

  • Q&A: If you have a question please post it under any video or in the forum!

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